Womens Sacred Circle Training is the beginning of a life-changing journey for those who wish to become a holder of sacred space and for those who are ready to start the quest into their own personal journey of their wild, undomesticated, native WOMAN.
The course is open to everyone with the commitment to embark on a personal journey of self discovery, connection and awareness and those that would like to be:
~ Facilitator of Shakti and Shiva's dance within. An ancient practice from traditional Esoteric Tantra practices
~ Facilitator of holistic sessions, experiences and retreats
~ A Ceremony holder /shamanic practitioner
~ Women's circle facilitator
~ Redefining your work and world for better alignment
~ Integrating sacred practices into your life
This course is the beginning of a life-changing journey both for those who wish to become a sacred space holder and for those who are ready to start the quest into their own personal journey of their sacred power and rhythmic Self.
A woman's space holder can be born from a woman who is on the journey of reclaiming herself, honouring her own separation and rejected parts of self, and becoming one with all.
“She is a woman that holds a safe and strong container for women to reclaim themselves, to return home to their true nature. She supports women with tenderness, care and love as women unravel their pain and separation from not living with their heart. She is the light in their darkness. She is the unconditional love to her self criticism. She holds loving presence as women open to themselves, listening to the call of shakti, flowing and resting in her native, wild and undomesticated nature. This is the path of a woman's sacred space holder” ~ Tracy Whitton
~ Connect and remember ancient tantra/shamanic practices for space holding
~ Embody tools, practices, experience and skills to hold effective and transformational space
~ Overcome confusion, lack of confidence, limiting beliefs, fears and enhance your authentic sharing and gifts
~ Learn, connect. exchange and expand with facilitators from all walks of life
~ Build confidence, readiness and step more completely into your offerings and gifts
~ Commune with Consciousness gaining greater alignment and guidance for your life purpose
~Activate your voice and work with sound medicine
~ Receive guidance to address and be prepared for sticky situations
~ Be held, heard and seen in all your colours!
‘I thoroughly enjoyed my training with you in the beautiful environment you have created. Your love for what you do and your compassion for your students radiates out of you and creates a wonderfully nurturing atmosphere which is calming and safe.’ – Margo Hutchison
~ opening ceremonies
~ clarifying vision/intention
~ prayer
~ setting up sacred space
~ what makes a circle sacred.
~ creating a sacred circle
~ Practicing facilitating and tools for holding space
~ Sacred Space Rituals
~ Your gifts, voice, music, toning and movement
~ Working with the elements- fire, water, air, earth
~ Different types of sacred circle
~ Tools for group dynamics and sticky situations
~ Becoming trauma informed and knowing how to hold someone when they becomes activated
~ Understanding the inner flow of Shakti and Shiva, the ancient teachings of traditional Tantra
~ “Flowing with the Inner Feminine and Masculine”: guidelines and principles for a woman focused practice for all ages and stages of a woman’s life cycle
~ The Four Inner Seasons of the female body
~ Moon cycles and rituals
~ Fostering connection and trust
~ Leading with integrity, compassion and understanding the art of listening and sharing
~ Shakti practices- flow, movement, openness and flexibility
~ Shiva Practices - Stillness, steadiness, strength and presence
~ Working with sacred herbs, Cacao and aromatherapy.
~ Grounding tools
~ Prayer
~ Closing the sacred space
~ Integration tools and accountability
~ Honouring the wisdom shared
This training is an in-house training. Held at the beautiful Theosophical Retreat Centre on Springbrook Mountain.
Next Intake 2025.
Sacred Space Circle
x5 Circles (you have 12mths to complete these). Wednesday's 6.30pm - 8.30pm.
Held remotely and in person at Rhythm. Of Life Community on Mondays 6.30pm - 8.30pm.
Early Bird Double Ensuite Room (only 2) $3195.
Early Bird Private Single Room (shared bathroom 1: 3) $2795.
Late Bird Private Single Room (shared bathroom 1: 3) $2995 - $500 deposit to secure your booking.
Payment Plan – x 6 monthly payments of $500 per month.
This includes:
38 hours of course content - 3.5 Long weekend intensive in-house retreat, private room, all meals and x5 Womens Sacred Circles. x1 Aromatherapy Blend and x1 Spray.
PLEASE NOTE: Longer payment plans can be arranged to suit different budgets. Please enquire.
$500 non refundable deposit to secure your booking.
Due to the intimate nature of this training and to create a safe container for each woman, I only take 8 women.
We assure you that you will finish this course with more awareness, knowledge and a deeper connection with all parts of yourself. With the added sense of feeling safe, grounded and accepting of who you are gives you the expansiveness to hold yourself and others in love, compassion and tenderness.
""In a world where we have lost connection with our Divine Essence - our Feminine nature, Natural rhythms and Cycles, Tracy is a much needed beacon of light. Her humble, wise and intuitive delivery of Ancient wisdom and Inner knowing absorbs effortlessly into our psyche whilst our body and nervous system are nurtured. Tracy holds space in such a loving, compassionate and peaceful way, that all who are in her presence cannot help but to join her on the path to inner peace. I have personally benefited from the sharing of Tracy's wisdom - the permission to allow myself to simply be, and to open to my true Feminine Powers. The important information Tracy has to share is long overdue and I applaud her for devoting herself to her path. I will be forever grateful for the gifts she has bestowed upon me." "
"Coming together in circle with likeminded women is a timeless tradition that is not simply an enjoyable way of connecting with others now. Until immersing myself in all things Stillness Through Movement I had no idea of the level of support, sharing, understanding and transformation that was possible through conscious circle. Tracy’s incredible depth of knowledge, perceptiveness, compassion, intuitive ability and feminine insight, gives her the ability to hold space in a nourishing and nurturing way for an unfolding of both personal and group transformation that has completely altered my sense of who I am when in connection with others. I feel seen, heard and free to be the woman I am, without conditions, parameters, judgement or fear of persecution. This is so liberating and what each of us need in order to reclaim who we are in this externally chaotic, over stimulated, materialistic, perfection driven world."
"My ability to juggle life’s many hats and ups and downs has dramatically increased through my work with Tracy. I love how she has helped me explore and own more deeply every aspect of myself through breathwork, movement and sisterhood. Tracy has the most graceful ability to align her own energy with the women she is guiding, helping us to dance, cry, relax, express and explore the ancient warriors and sages inside our own selves. And the knowledge I have gained on my own menstrual cycles has ensured that I can more aptly serve my team and clients inside my own business. I am a better human from the wisdom I have fallen into through this work. Thank you, Beautiful woman. - . "
"Womens circle is a powerful way to be supported in self realisation. Tracy holds space for the collective spirit of women to come together in a sacred way, with freedom of expression in story and movement, music and emotion. This space provides a sense of freedom for all things feminine. A space to explore our own stories, to connect, to sit and move in non judgement. Held gently and powerfully by Tracy’s guided wisdom, her deep love and devotion to support all areas of womens health and inner peace. Coming together in this way seems both so natural and so new, it is ancient and it is present. It is the way of women, a way of sharing in our collective spirit that has nearly been extinct in our western culture. ~ "
"Tracy, like few others, embodies the feminine. When I receive a treatment from her, it feels like I am back in the womb. She truly is a gifted teacher and practitioner of feminine embodiment. And she holds space like no other!! "
"Tracy is an open hearted, intuitive teacher, who instills such grace and virtue in all that she does. The skills she has taught me has helped me to live each moment, more connected to my inner truth. I now feel more free and happier and have never felt so safe in being who I am. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself, thank you for teaching from your heart and thank you for making such a spiritual impact on my life. With love and gratitude "
Start your journey into the most therapeutic and comprehensive feminine practices you have ever experienced! Reclaim your Feminine, connect with your body and heal your heart.
50% Complete
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