About Tracy




Tracy Whitton is a highly skilled nervous system somatic psychotherapist with over two decades of experience in spiritual, meditative, and ancient tantric practices, who has dedicated herself to the study of ancient tantric practices, particularly those focused on Shakti and Shiva.  These practices include the use of jade eggs, esoteric womb massage and healing, breast care, womb and vaginal steaming, tantric soul gazing and feminine somatic movement. 

She is also a trained yoga instructor, somatic psychotherapist, nervous system coach, energy healer, having received formal training from My Health Yoga School and studied with renowned spiritual teachers such as Ramesh S. Balsekar, Eckhart Tolle, Judith Lasater, and Pema Chodron.

As the founder of Stillness through Movement (STM), Tracy helps individuals connect with their inner selves through breath, body, and mind awareness, leading to a state of peace and balance. She is particularly passionate about working with women, and in addition to leading retreats and offering teacher training and mentorship programs, she has also produced a range of audio recordings, books, and online courses and her work has been referenced in several books by Dr. Libby.

Through her teachings and guidance, Tracy empowers women to embrace their undomesticated, wild nature and find TRUE self-love and self-acceptance within.


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