I've been observing these interesting movements of E-motion moving within me for many years now. I have found that they're either in flow and moving or they're stuck and causing havoc ( for me it gets stuck in the fear story. But for others it can be rage and depression). I have been watching them flow, seeing them get stuck and getting really curious about what stops the flow of this energy, annnnd can I be hindering the movement of the emotion or making it worse?
Yes. I was making it worse by investing in the stories!
In my observations I have found that emotions are simply "energy in motion" this energy is the "effect" of a previous "cause" and it is simple passing through. If we allow it.
Just like water moving down a stream, it flows until a rock or log blocks the flow in a stream. Just like the log can block the stream so can our lack of awareness/knowledge around knowing it's safe to let our emotions be here and flow.
Energy in its pure form is ok. It's our friend, not...
As the moon waxes, moving to her fullest, I too move with her, moving to my fullest, ripening the most nourished egg, ready to be fertilised, to grow life!
How incredible is that?...New Life!
This creative energy for me is no longer a new baby in the physical form of a child, but one of new energy in some other way.
50% Complete
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